9. Zephyr

"A hundred" Interrupted an impassionate voice, as its owner, a lanky individual with an ever-present sleepy expression in his eyes, made his way into the room. Ruvan, one of the younger members at CTS, was the local computer nerd. Although still considered as a newbie by the senior members, unlike them, he was from the Y-generation, the folks who had not known the world without internet and mobile smartphones, and hence had a much better feel of the technological pulse in the world.

"Is that no. of victims, or no. of mutations?" Asked nonplussed Kid, clearly annoyed with the audacity of Ruvan of interrupting veterans in mid-conversation.

"No. of mutations, the affected machines are over two eighty. That's a lower estimate, we obviously can't get the exact figures." replied Ruvan, almost to himself, his mind wandering off to some other problem whose solution was alluding him.

Kid couldn't help being awed. He had seen lots of kids like Ruvan, genius', nerds, confident, but unlike others, this one seemed totally passive, unmindful of recognition. Yet, when it came to delivery, noone quite came close. His pet project, Vixens, started as a minor project in university, was quickly noticed and taken over by CTS. Now the virus had successfully affected over two eighty thousand computers world wide in under a week, and was still unnoticed.

"Just came to keep you posted Doc. Forgive me, but I can't be away from my server right now." excused Ruvan.

"The audacity of the lad" thought Kid as he turned his attention again to the matter at hand. Evolutionary viruses may be sci-fi delight, but he can't lose focus now.


pushpendre said...

a quick comment
start building upon whatever characters we have now. ruvan kid mine, the company and the problematic doctor are all in it now . you already have a woman in the story. so anymore characters and it's gonna blow
keep up the good work.
make it even better

Varun Torka said...

many thanks to our (first probably)regular reader for the advice :)...it ll be taken into account
however, you are free to criticise...this chapter felt a little unbalanced to me after writing it. Is it so or am i just hypercritical?

Eruditus said...

good idea of the labels for characters varun.
and thank you very much pushpendra for following thoroughly.
Sorry i didn't get time to write the next xhapter, but I somehow expected someone else will do it today.i.e somefrom from the invites we sent. Anyways I will need time to thing..torke check in tomorrow morning.


Comments working again! You know what to do when something works, right? USE IT !! PS - If you are new and havn't realised yet....you have to read in order and from the first chapter!


Humans are here to make mistakes and better ones to correct them and those who still want something else to do document them...here...
by Varun: Slight edits to
Opera - Trivial solution to Taleb problem implmnted.
Cherole - changed the name in last line
Machinations - added a line for time perspective. Melee - used full name of Mine
Hope the authors don't mind.
Suggestion: @kinari
Lets keep mine and drake separate. You ll have to change one reference.
Done now he is our Dr. Debye
by Varun
Suggestion: @Amrit
Add quotation marks, wherever you want to show conversation.

Self Edit:

Edited "Mother" to "Machination" in Chapter8 and made some other subtle changes. Most imortantly reducing two demos to one.
by Tejesh

Loose Ends

Space for collaboration among authors.

its ok if Taleb is not Kid. but i wanted kid to be a mentor of cherole. taleb can be a different person.
The problem of Mr. Taleb:
The problem is that Mr. Taleb is a living real person. So at most we can use it as a referense to a theory which he has proposed in reality. We cannot make him the main character in our story "the kid". What I suggest is - Lets keep Taleb as Cherole's mentor. But after that leave Taleb. Keep Kid (still need to find a name for him) as a friend and an encourager to Cherole. I mentioned it in my chapter. "one other person who discussed it with her".That is Kid
@kinari: lets keep mine and drake separate. You ll have to change one reference.
We need a formal name for Kid to use in conversations. Sticking with 'Doctor' for now

I think it would be less hair-pulling crazy if we don't touch each other's technology. Not as if its banned, but the workings.
oye drake and mine are the same person right? Mine D.!

let the section explode, we have lot of space inthe margin + will get to know what our doubts were in the beginning.- just keep answering on the top so that it is easier for us to read

i did not get the concept of mutation, so i assumed that it won't matter much in the story of the 10th chapter. If you have something in mind introduce the funda later.

ya we can keep 8th chapter a new day altogether.
Delete the question you are answering...or this section will explode....-

@tejesh: just a suggestion, but I think it would be better if this marked a different day, the first 7/8 chapters fit well together, maybe we can keep them seperate...
Location can be anywhere, but as the names are American...somewhere there.