12: Cygnus-atratus

"May I come in" , said Ron and started walking in after a moment's delay.The delay was perfected by his regular visits to Cherole. He liked to discuss out of course material with her, after his daily classes got over.

"Ma'am, today, Jack, you know the-hairy-guy, looked you up on google. Though he had other reasons to do so, I happened to take a peek at the results, when I found this." He pushed a stack of unclipped printouts, fresh from the printer, forwards. The top page had the image of a Black Swan with a red-orange beak which connected right to its eyes. The swan looked oddly out of the ordinary.

"Oh, right , and you bring this up because...", said Cherole , with a smile , which suggested that she already knew the answer.

"Well obviously, because I am interested in knowing more about it."

"Okay", the smile changing its form into a normal smile, as if the answer was not exactly what she was hoping for, but she was still eager to discuss more about it.

"I was confused when I saw your name with this picture 'coz I know that you are not a biologist. Then I read a little and understood that it was related to statistics and I grew no less surprised. I was interested in reading more about it, but then when I can hear it from you yourself, why bother with the print", said Ron as a last non technical remark, half knowing that instantly from the next statement , they would jump directly into a discussion on Black Swan.

"It was all Mr. Nassin Taleb's idea, a brilliant brilliant man. He was one of those who are scientists, poets, story tellers and philosophers at the same time.I just applied his idea to physics..."

An hour spent on the discussion made Ron have a new perspective on the world. That is what new concepts do. And with Ron's ever questioning brain the discussion entered newer depths.
For Cherole, it reminded her of the only other person with whom she once had a similar discussion. She owed the paper to him as much as she did to Mr. Taleb.

"I need to spend some time thinking on it myself. It was an honour to hear it from you Ma'am"
and Ron started to leave. He had barely reached the door when Cherole proposed,

"Ron, what are your plans tomorrow night?"

"Ma'am?" uttered Ron , surprised at what just happened.

With a teasing smile, Cherole replied, "I meant, would you be able to join me to the ceremony . I forgot to tell you that this is the paper for which , I am being considered for the prize".

"Of course I will and I knew"


"Amrit" said...

Great chapter.. i find it very interesting... aah and now i see the problem in my style.. chal will improve and make things more explicit in my chapters as you do.

Varun Torka said...

Great work ending the stalemate. From your mail, it appears you have some plans for proceeding the story. Would you like to detail them before we proceed? or we may continue.

Eruditus said...

I think continue...discussing would kill the spirit of tandem
just read a little about the Black swan before continuing...it is a very helpful concept..a key idea which would explain the error with mine's experiment.

Varun Torka said...

what does the chapter name mean?
Cygnus == swans...

Eruditus said...

It means Black swan


Comments working again! You know what to do when something works, right? USE IT !! PS - If you are new and havn't realised yet....you have to read in order and from the first chapter!


Humans are here to make mistakes and better ones to correct them and those who still want something else to do document them...here...
by Varun: Slight edits to
Opera - Trivial solution to Taleb problem implmnted.
Cherole - changed the name in last line
Machinations - added a line for time perspective. Melee - used full name of Mine
Hope the authors don't mind.
Suggestion: @kinari
Lets keep mine and drake separate. You ll have to change one reference.
Done now he is our Dr. Debye
by Varun
Suggestion: @Amrit
Add quotation marks, wherever you want to show conversation.

Self Edit:

Edited "Mother" to "Machination" in Chapter8 and made some other subtle changes. Most imortantly reducing two demos to one.
by Tejesh

Loose Ends

Space for collaboration among authors.

its ok if Taleb is not Kid. but i wanted kid to be a mentor of cherole. taleb can be a different person.
The problem of Mr. Taleb:
The problem is that Mr. Taleb is a living real person. So at most we can use it as a referense to a theory which he has proposed in reality. We cannot make him the main character in our story "the kid". What I suggest is - Lets keep Taleb as Cherole's mentor. But after that leave Taleb. Keep Kid (still need to find a name for him) as a friend and an encourager to Cherole. I mentioned it in my chapter. "one other person who discussed it with her".That is Kid
@kinari: lets keep mine and drake separate. You ll have to change one reference.
We need a formal name for Kid to use in conversations. Sticking with 'Doctor' for now

I think it would be less hair-pulling crazy if we don't touch each other's technology. Not as if its banned, but the workings.
oye drake and mine are the same person right? Mine D.!

let the section explode, we have lot of space inthe margin + will get to know what our doubts were in the beginning.- just keep answering on the top so that it is easier for us to read

i did not get the concept of mutation, so i assumed that it won't matter much in the story of the 10th chapter. If you have something in mind introduce the funda later.

ya we can keep 8th chapter a new day altogether.
Delete the question you are answering...or this section will explode....-

@tejesh: just a suggestion, but I think it would be better if this marked a different day, the first 7/8 chapters fit well together, maybe we can keep them seperate...
Location can be anywhere, but as the names are American...somewhere there.