13. Opera


"And now, for the most path-breaking research by an undergraduate, the honour would be presented by .."

"Its gonna be a long night." Cherole stifled a yawn. They were sitting at the second row from the front of the eloquent award ceremony dais. She always sat near the front, except for the brief period under the apprenticeship of Dr. Elbis Zane, who always held the you got the best view from the absolute back, and prided himself on making the whole congregation wait while he walked the distance to the podium whenever he would get a prize, which was too often. She smiled remembering the on-stage antics her guide would perform, earning him the nickname Kid, which he planned to keep for life.

Cherole paused her flashback for a second to see notice a lanky youngster lazily walking up the dais. Funny how academia had become so ornate lately, she thought, the boy would be all over the newspaper's tomorrow, along with all other winners, while just five years ago, the only place it could be a top story, was a science magazine. Just one event then changed all that.

"Thank you Ruvan. Now over to the senior section..."

Cherole looked guiltily at Ron, who was trying hard to remain interested. She liked to think she was bringing him to increase his passion towards academia, but the truth was she had been to such events more often than she cared to admit, and was scared of being bored to death yet again.

"So how is your thesis project coming along, Ron? I know Prof Darwin can be a pain in the...I mean he can be quite demanding."

"Well, maam. It is as you would think ...."

The conversation proved quite a saver for both of them, as in what they felt the next moment, the host announced
"And now for the final honour of the night. Typically reserved for the most insightful and naturally the most controversial, THE Spock Prize for most innovative paper, goes to..."

"Its a tie."


Eruditus said...

bas ek problem..Taleb is a real person ..living.
won't it be a problem if we used him as our fictional character :)

Varun Torka said...

omg...didn't realise that.
We ll have to change both references. A slight spelling difference maybe?

Eruditus said...

no can't do that because the work on black swan is his
so better if kid is different from taleb.
maybe we should change it in amrit's chapter itself, where she says under Mr. Kid.
Maybe kid can be her friend and an encourager for writing this paper but not his guide. taleb can be his guide.

Eruditus said...

all i can think of 5 years ago is..
that this parallel story is running 5 years ahead of the initial chapters.
did you mean anything else?

Varun Torka said...

i am not sure about including live people in the story at all :)... dead ones is ok...we ll have to sort out the master thing...it looked good to me if the ppl in all 3 chapters were same. lets decide that outside comments.


Comments working again! You know what to do when something works, right? USE IT !! PS - If you are new and havn't realised yet....you have to read in order and from the first chapter!


Humans are here to make mistakes and better ones to correct them and those who still want something else to do document them...here...
by Varun: Slight edits to
Opera - Trivial solution to Taleb problem implmnted.
Cherole - changed the name in last line
Machinations - added a line for time perspective. Melee - used full name of Mine
Hope the authors don't mind.
Suggestion: @kinari
Lets keep mine and drake separate. You ll have to change one reference.
Done now he is our Dr. Debye
by Varun
Suggestion: @Amrit
Add quotation marks, wherever you want to show conversation.

Self Edit:

Edited "Mother" to "Machination" in Chapter8 and made some other subtle changes. Most imortantly reducing two demos to one.
by Tejesh

Loose Ends

Space for collaboration among authors.

its ok if Taleb is not Kid. but i wanted kid to be a mentor of cherole. taleb can be a different person.
The problem of Mr. Taleb:
The problem is that Mr. Taleb is a living real person. So at most we can use it as a referense to a theory which he has proposed in reality. We cannot make him the main character in our story "the kid". What I suggest is - Lets keep Taleb as Cherole's mentor. But after that leave Taleb. Keep Kid (still need to find a name for him) as a friend and an encourager to Cherole. I mentioned it in my chapter. "one other person who discussed it with her".That is Kid
@kinari: lets keep mine and drake separate. You ll have to change one reference.
We need a formal name for Kid to use in conversations. Sticking with 'Doctor' for now

I think it would be less hair-pulling crazy if we don't touch each other's technology. Not as if its banned, but the workings.
oye drake and mine are the same person right? Mine D.!

let the section explode, we have lot of space inthe margin + will get to know what our doubts were in the beginning.- just keep answering on the top so that it is easier for us to read

i did not get the concept of mutation, so i assumed that it won't matter much in the story of the 10th chapter. If you have something in mind introduce the funda later.

ya we can keep 8th chapter a new day altogether.
Delete the question you are answering...or this section will explode....-

@tejesh: just a suggestion, but I think it would be better if this marked a different day, the first 7/8 chapters fit well together, maybe we can keep them seperate...
Location can be anywhere, but as the names are American...somewhere there.